Glitched Reality

Álbum: CyberCrime I

Glitched Reality
Título Glitched Reality
Nombre del archivo CSV007_75_Glitched Reality_Fullmix
Descripción As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
EscritoresDaniel Light (ASCAP) 100% [820218968]
EditoresCrimeSonics (ASCAP) 100% [896844562]
ISRC QZM6B2002090

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As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
As augmented reality is becoming a part of our everyday lives, how long will it be before the hackers start to take over? Starting with an ominous technological vibe, then reprogramming itself to wonderful cinematic chaos, Glitched Reality blurs the lines of what is real and what is not.
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