Never Give Up
Álbum: Roar by DiaBak
Never Give Up
Nombre del archivo
NSPS388_15_Never Give Up_60 Second No Vocals Synths
Powerful rock drums slam away while big guitar riffs grind away in this tenacious rock tune, the fiery intensity building throughout. Version - 60 Second No Vocals Synths
EscritoresJacob Peter Diab
(SOCAN) 50% [803832356]Martin Bak
(SOCAN) 50% [649692199]
EditoresNon-Stop Outrageous Music Publishing
(ASCAP) 100% [548216838]
November 1, 2021
Versiones alternativas
Powerful rock drums slam away while big guitar riffs grind away in this tenacious rock tune, with soaring synths rounding out the fiery intensity. Version - No Vocals
Powerful rock drums slam away while big guitar riffs grind away in this tenacious rock tune, with male vocals rounding out the fiery intensity. Version - No Synths
Powerful rock drums slam away while big guitar riffs grind away in this tenacious rock tune, with soaring synths rounding out the fiery intensity. Version - 60 Second No Vocal
Powerful rock drums slam away while big guitar riffs grind away in this tenacious rock tune, the fiery intensity building throughout. Version - 30 Second No Vocals Synths
Powerful rock drums slam away while big guitar riffs grind away in this tenacious rock tune, with soaring synths rounding out the fiery intensity. Version - 30 Second No Vocal
Powerful rock drums slam away while big guitar riffs grind away in this tenacious rock tune, the fiery intensity building throughout. Version - No Vocals Synths
Powerful rock drums slam away while big guitar riffs grind away in this tenacious rock tune, with male vocals and synths rounding out the fiery intensity. Version - Full