Move My Way

Álbum: Trap Fire

Move My Way
Título Move My Way
Nombre del archivo SPRE074_123_Move My Way_10s
Descripción 10 second version. Redefine swagger with futuristic touches with this upbeat, trendy, and vibrant EDM track with big buildups and screaming synths.
EscritoresArno Marlier (OSA) 25% [858327501]Noah Jones (OSA) 25% [1143060014]Glenn Eddie Meul (OSA) 25% [735704048]Vince Peersman (OSA) 25% [819684790]
EditoresStudio Fontana spol. s.r.o. (OSA) 100% [499274692]
ISRC CZD522387423
PPM 75

Going so when creeping deeper in the cut
I'm hiding now

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