You're Home

Álbum: Love Celebration

You're Home
Título You're Home
Nombre del archivo VALO343_005_You're Home_Full
Descripción Resolute male vocals sing passionately above the encouraging atmosphere of driving drums, piano, and glistening synth pads in this comforting pop ballad of uplift and homecoming. Version - Full
EscritoresGabriel Candiani (BMI) 33.40% [182128187]Joshua Joseph Willcutts (SESAC) 33.30% [868355295]Corban Shane Calhoun (BMI) 33.30% [625723646]
EditoresVALO International Publishing (BMI) 66.70% [809273135]VALO Worldwide Publishing (SESAC) 33.30% [872169903]
ISRC QM2ZU2201136

You're my shelter
You're my shelter
My shelter

Like a ship on stormy seas
Overtaken by the waves
I was just about to sink
'Til I felt your saving grace
Come over me

You're my shelter
From the storm, the storm
You're my always
Opened door, door
You're home
You're home
You're home
You're home

I was standing in the cold
Underneath the pouring rain
I had nowhere left to go
But you loved me just the same
You brought me home

You're my shelter
From the storm, the storm
You're my always
Opened door, door
You're home
You're home
You're home
You're home

Let me in
When no one else would
As I am
Like only you could

You're my shelter
From the storm, the storm
You're my always
Opened door, door

You're home
You're home
You're home
You're home

You're home
You're home
You're home
You're home

Versiones alternativas

Resolute piano plays passionately above the encouraging atmosphere of driving drums, gently strumming acoustic guitar, and glistening synth pads in this comforting and uplifting pop ballad. Version - 60 Second No Vocal
Resolute piano plays passionately above the encouraging atmosphere of driving drums, gently strumming acoustic guitar, and glistening synth pads in this comforting and uplifting pop ballad. Version - No Vocals
Resolute piano plays passionately above the encouraging atmosphere of driving drums, gently strumming acoustic guitar, and glistening synth pads in this comforting and uplifting pop ballad. Version - 30 Second No Vocal
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